Dr Atosa Mojahediye

Dr Atosa Mojahediye

She received her MD in 1998 from University of Ulm in Germany
Residency in Gynecology: University hospital Mosbach in Germany 2 years
and the rest in Iran , Urmieh As Gynecologist since 2003 till current with extensive experience in obstetrical care and
Different gynecological procedures in Gonbad Kavoos-Iran

Research: IUI ( intrauterine insemination) by infertile couples in Germany and Iran

Iranian OB & GYN Society
Occupational MD license from Germany and member of Aerztekammer

experience with  Antenatal, perinatal and postnatal management of obstetrical patients. Management of gynecological disorders including cancers, infertility and  performing different gynecological surgical procedures.

Email: dr.amojahedieh@gmail.com